
Tomato Time Management: All You Need To Know About Pomodoro Technique

 When it comes to UPSC, time management plays a crucial role. Covering the myriad topics and questions and the humongous syllabus for a UPSC aspirant is extremely difficult. Without good time management techniques, revising the syllabus well in advance would not be possible. 

If you are curious about an effective time management technique that can boost your productivity and ensure you can do everything required within the given time limit. Stick to the end of the article as we share about the effective Pomodoro technique. 

What is the Pomodoro technique?

The Pomodoro technique is an effective time management tool that helps one focus on the subject without distractions. This technique allows frequent breaks preventing infestation of boredom and keeping your mind agile and productive. An Italian author and entrepreneur, Francesco Cirillo, invented the method. 

The Pomodoro technique essentially cuts down time into smaller slots of 25 minutes each. After each time slot, there is a 5-minute break window after every time you have completed the space. One works meticulously for 25 minutes without any break, and the 5-minute window provides the much-required break to keep them productive. 

Now you may wonder why the Pomodoro technique uses only a 25 minutes time slot. The Pomodoro technique was primarily designed for procrastinators. According to studies, the 25-minute time frame is ideal for them since many of them might not want to study in the first place. Working in a timer-fixed period boosts productivity, and as the end of time approaches, one usually tends to accomplish the task faster. 

How to incorporate the technique?

  • You can decide upon the part of a topic you wish to complete within the 25-minute time slot.

  • Now set your timer for 25 minutes. 

  • Complete the task for the given slot until your timer rings.

  • Then take a 5-minute break and repeat.

  • A 15-20 minute can be taken after four such pomodoros have been completed, i.e., ideally after every two hours. 

Incorporating the Pomodoro technique is feasible as it provides room for breaks, and unwavering concentration for 25 minutes makes you finish your work quickly. The window breaks allow the person not to be burdened by work. It is highly beneficial for candidates who procrastinate and cannot focus on their studies. 

But if you think the 25 minutes slot is too small for building your productivity, you can increase and decrease the window slot upon your wish(as less as 15 minutes or as long as 55 minutes). 

However, it is essential to focus on your work, not when your timer goes off. You can continue working on the task and only take a break when it has been accomplished. Pausing the timer mid-way if any distractions arise is usually not recommended. However, in an emergency, you can start a new Pomodoro immediately upon dealing with the situation. 

The Pomodoro technique boosts focus and improves attention spans and productive bursts. If you feel that time may be wasted on breaks, then let us assure you that the monotony caused in these cases has caused far more detrimental effects. We often tend to complete a task in more time than required, and it is quite surprising when it is found that much can be accomplished quickly. 

While the Pomodoro technique has worked effectively for many, it might not suit others, especially those with difficulty building focus. Only that time management method should be used which suits your needs. However, taking regular breaks is essential and always recommended.