
How to prepare from newspaper editorials for the IAS exam?

      Reading the newspaper regularly is an essential and crucial part of IAS preparation. Editorial being the most important part of the newspaper helps you in developing the frame of mind and aptitude that is a quintessential part of the UPSC preparation. 

           Editorials are based on the objective analysis of the current happening, by experts in their respective fields. Though they may be biased or inclined sometimes or follow some ideology, an aspirant should always be neutral in their approaches.

  Read the syllabus completely and make it your habit to skip the unnecessary editorials. Read between the lines and understand an editorial very well, understanding the crux and import of the message that an expert wants to communicate.

Editorials should be read in such a way, as to relate static and dynamic sources to get a deeper understanding of the concepts. Suppose when a law is passed in the parliament or when there is an important ruling or judgment you should easily associate that with the relevant parts in the syllabus.

If you fail to correlate your knowledge and analyze everything from different angles and perspectives, you cannot score much at every stage of the examination. So correlating the concepts in the broader sense and utilizing that information to build your independent analysis and opinions will polish your skills to crack this prestigious examination.

Making notes from the editorials and assorting them according to the syllabus will help you a lot in mains answer writing. Sort the editorials category-wise like International Relations, Economic Issues, Government Schemes and Policies, Social Issues, Environment, Biodiversity Science and Technology, etc. accordingly note down the issues and their pros and cons. 

The social, political, and economic issues or challenges should be identified properly. Then you need to evaluate the points that are in favour or against and make your own independent and balanced opinion. Always remember your criticism should be constructive because getting against government issues and policies will be considered pessimistic. 

Focus more on the issues than on the news itself, for example, the scrapping of Article 370 of the Indian constitution is the news but you need to focus much on the social, political, economic, geographical, and constitutional issues related to it. In short, you should be aware of everything happening in the country and the world where issues are linked to the Indian interest.

To conclude, reading editorials alone regarding an issue is not enough; you should gather more information online and develop an in-depth understanding of an issue. Also, you need to understand that all the editorials are not useful. Political columns and propaganda are high on their agendas. You need to avoid them and filter the content according to the demand of UPSC.